

Init the module. Returns a Promise object. Don’t call this multiple times.


  • options - JSON

The parameter is optional the configuration keys are:

  • showAlert - Boolean - [iOS only] Show or hide the alert if the bluetooth is turned off during initialization
  • restoreIdentifierKey - String - [iOS only] Unique key to use for CoreBluetooth state restoration
  • queueIdentifierKey - String - [iOS only] Unique key to use for a queue identifier on which CoreBluetooth events will be dispatched
  • forceLegacy - Boolean - [Android only] Force to use the LegacyScanManager


BleManager.start({ showAlert: false }).then(() => {
  // Success code
  console.log("Module initialized");

scan(serviceUUIDs, seconds, allowDuplicates, scanningOptions)

Scan for available peripherals. Returns a Promise object.


  • serviceUUIDs - Array of String - the UUIDs of the services to looking for. On Android the filter works only for 5.0 or newer.
  • seconds - Integer - the amount of seconds to scan.
  • allowDuplicates - Boolean - [iOS only] allow duplicates in device scanning
  • scanningOptions - JSON - user can control specific ble scan behaviors:
    • numberOfMatches - Number - [Android only] corresponding to setNumOfMatches. Defaults to ScanSettings.MATCH_NUM_MAX_ADVERTISEMENT. /!\ anything other than default may only work when a ScanFilter is active /!\
    • matchMode - Number - [Android only] corresponding to setMatchMode. Defaults to ScanSettings.MATCH_MODE_AGGRESSIVE.
    • callbackType - Number - [Android only] corresponding to setCallbackType. Defaults ScanSettings.CALLBACK_TYPE_ALL_MATCHES. /!\ anything other than default may only work when a ScanFilter is active /!\
    • scanMode - Number - [Android only] corresponding to setScanMode. Defaults to ScanSettings.SCAN_MODE_LOW_POWER.
    • reportDelay - Number - [Android only] corresponding to setReportDelay. Defaults to 0ms.
    • phy - Number - [Android only] corresponding to setPhy
    • legacy - Boolean - [Android only] corresponding to setLegacy
    • exactAdvertisingName - string[] - In Android corresponds to the ScanFilter deviceName. In iOS the filter is done manually before sending the peripheral.
    • manufacturerData - object - [Android only] corresponding to setManufacturerData. Filter by manufacturer id or data.
      • manufacturerId - number - Manufacturer / company id to filter for.
      • manufacturerData - number[] - Additional manufacturer data filter.
      • manufacturerDataMask - number[] - Mask for manufacturer data, must have the same length as manufacturerData. For any bit in the mask, set it to 1 if it needs to match the one in manufacturer data, otherwise set it to 0.


BleManager.scan([], 5, true).then(() => {
  // Success code
  console.log("Scan started");


Stop the scanning. Returns a Promise object.


BleManager.stopScan().then(() => {
  // Success code
  console.log("Scan stopped");

companionScan() [Android only, API 26+]

Scan for companion devices.

If companion device manger is not supported on this (android) device rejects.

The promise it will eventually resolve with either:

  1. peripheral if user selects one
  2. null if user “cancels” (i.e. doesn’t select anything)

See BleManager.supportsCompanion.



  • serviceUUIDs - String[] - List of service UUIDs to use as a filter
  • options - JSON - Additional options

    • single - String? - Scan only for single peripheral. See Android’s AssocationRequest.Builder.setSingleDevice.


BleManager.compationScan([]).then(peripheral => {
  console.log('Associated peripheral', peripheral);

connect(peripheralId, options)

Attempts to connect to a peripheral. In many case if you can’t connect you have to scan for the peripheral before. Returns a Promise object.

In iOS, attempts to connect to a peripheral do not time out (please see Apple’s doc), so you might need to set a timer explicitly if you don’t want this behavior.


  • peripheralId - String - the id/mac address of the peripheral to connect.
  • options - JSON - The parameter is optional the configuration keys are:

    • phy - Number - [Android only] corresponding to the preferred phy channel (Android doc)
    • autoconnect - Boolean - [Android only] whether to directly connect to the remote device (false) or to automatically connect as soon as the remote device becomes available (true) (Android doc)


  .then(() => {
    // Success code
  .catch((error) => {
    // Failure code

disconnect(peripheralId, force)

Disconnect from a peripheral. Returns a Promise object.


  • peripheralId - String - the id/mac address of the peripheral to disconnect.
  • force - boolean - [Android only] defaults to true, if true force closes gatt connection and send the BleManagerDisconnectPeripheral event immediately to Javascript, else disconnects the connection and waits for disconnected state to close the gatt connection and then sends the BleManagerDisconnectPeripheral to the Javascript


  .then(() => {
    // Success code
  .catch((error) => {
    // Failure code

enableBluetooth() [Android only]

Create the ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE to ask the user to activate the bluetooth. Returns a Promise object.


  .then(() => {
    // Success code
    console.log("The bluetooth is already enabled or the user confirm");
  .catch((error) => {
    // Failure code
    console.log("The user refuse to enable bluetooth");


Force the module to check the state of the native BLE manager and trigger a BleManagerDidUpdateState event. Resolves to a promise containing the current BleState.


BleManager.checkState().then((state) =>
  console.log(`current BLE state = '${state}'.`)

supportsCompanion() [Android only]

Check if current device supports companion device manager.

startNotification(peripheralId, serviceUUID, characteristicUUID)

Start the notification on the specified characteristic, you need to call retrieveServices method before. Returns a Promise object.


  • peripheralId - String - the id/mac address of the peripheral.
  • serviceUUID - String - the UUID of the service.
  • characteristicUUID - String - the UUID of the characteristic.


  .then(() => {
    // Success code
    console.log("Notification started");
  .catch((error) => {
    // Failure code

startNotificationWithBuffer(peripheralId, serviceUUID, characteristicUUID, buffer) [Android only]

Start the notification on the specified characteristic, you need to call retrieveServices method before. The buffer collect messages until the buffer of messages bytes reaches the limit defined with the buffer argument and then emit all the collected data. Useful to reduce the number of calls between the native and the react-native part in case of many messages. Returns a Promise object.


  • peripheralId - String - the id/mac address of the peripheral.
  • serviceUUID - String - the UUID of the service.
  • characteristicUUID - String - the UUID of the characteristic.
  • buffer - Integer - the capacity of the buffer (bytes) stored before emitting the data for the characteristic.


  .then(() => {
    // Success code
    console.log("Notification started");
  .catch((error) => {
    // Failure code

stopNotification(peripheralId, serviceUUID, characteristicUUID)

Stop the notification on the specified characteristic. Returns a Promise object.


  • peripheralId - String - the id/mac address of the peripheral.
  • serviceUUID - String - the UUID of the service.
  • characteristicUUID - String - the UUID of the characteristic.

read(peripheralId, serviceUUID, characteristicUUID)

Read the current value of the specified characteristic, you need to call retrieveServices method before. Returns a Promise object that will resolves to an array of plain integers (number[]) representing a ByteArray structure. That array can then be converted to a JS ArrayBuffer for example using Buffer.from() thanks to this buffer module.


  • peripheralId - String - the id/mac address of the peripheral.
  • serviceUUID - String - the UUID of the service.
  • characteristicUUID - String - the UUID of the characteristic.

  .then((readData) => {
    // Success code
    console.log("Read: " + readData);

    const buffer = Buffer.from(readData);
    const sensorData = buffer.readUInt8(1, true);
  .catch((error) => {
    // Failure code

write(peripheralId, serviceUUID, characteristicUUID, data, maxByteSize)

Write with response to the specified characteristic, you need to call retrieveServices method before. Returns a Promise object.


  • peripheralId - String - the id/mac address of the peripheral.
  • serviceUUID - String - the UUID of the service.
  • characteristicUUID - String - the UUID of the characteristic.
  • data - number[] - the data to write as a plain integer array representing a ByteArray structure.
  • maxByteSize - Integer - specify the max byte size before splitting message, defaults to 20 bytes if not specified

Data preparation

To convert your data to a number[], you should probably be manipulating a Buffer or anything representing a JS ArrayBuffer. This will make sure you are converting from valid byte representations of your data first and not with an integer outside the expected range.

You can create a buffer from files, numbers or strings easily (see examples bellow).

import { Buffer } from 'buffer';

 * // Creates a Buffer containing the bytes [0x01, 0x02, 0x03].
 * const buffer = Buffer.from([1, 2, 3]);
 * // Creates a Buffer containing the bytes [0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01] – the entries
 * // are all truncated using `(value & 255)` to fit into the range 0–255.
 * const buffer = Buffer.from([257, 257.5, -255, '1']);
 * // Creates a Buffer containing the UTF-8-encoded bytes for the string 'tést':
 * // [0x74, 0xc3, 0xa9, 0x73, 0x74] (in hexadecimal notation)
 * // [116, 195, 169, 115, 116] (in decimal notation)
 * const buffer = Buffer.from('tést');

Feel free to use other packages or google how to convert into byte array if your data has other format.


  // encode & extract raw `number[]`.
  // Each number should be in the 0-255 range as it is converted from a valid byte.
  .then(() => {
    // Success code
    console.log("Write: " + data);
  .catch((error) => {
    // Failure code

writeWithoutResponse(peripheralId, serviceUUID, characteristicUUID, data, maxByteSize, queueSleepTime)

Write without response to the specified characteristic, you need to call retrieveServices method before. Returns a Promise object.


  • peripheralId - String - the id/mac address of the peripheral.
  • serviceUUID - String - the UUID of the service.
  • characteristicUUID - String - the UUID of the characteristic.
  • data - number[] - the data to write as a plain integer array representing a ByteArray structure. (see write()).
  • maxByteSize - Integer - (Optional) specify the max byte size
  • queueSleepTime - Integer - (Optional) specify the wait time before each write if the data is greater than maxByteSize

Data preparation

If your data is not in number[] format check info fom the write() function example above.


  .then(() => {
    // Success code
    console.log("Writed: " + data);
  .catch((error) => {
    // Failure code


Read the current value of the RSSI. Returns a Promise object resolving with the updated RSSI value (number) if it succeeds.


  • peripheralId - String - the id/mac address of the peripheral.


  .then((rssi) => {
    // Success code
    console.log("Current RSSI: " + rssi);
  .catch((error) => {
    // Failure code

readDescriptor(peripheralId, serviceId, characteristicId, descriptorId)

Read the current value of the specified descriptor, you need to call retrieveServices method before. Returns a Promise object that will resolves to an array of plain integers (number[]) representing a ByteArray structure. That array can then be converted to a JS ArrayBuffer for example using Buffer.from() thanks to this buffer module.


  • peripheralId - String - the id/mac address of the peripheral.
  • serviceUUID - String - the UUID of the service.
  • characteristicUUID - String - the UUID of the characteristic.
  • descriptorUUID - String - the UUID of the descriptor.


  .then((readData) => {
    // Success code
    console.log("Read: " + readData);

    const buffer = Buffer.from(readData);
    const sensorData = buffer.readUInt8(1, true);
  .catch((error) => {
    // Failure code

writeDescriptor(peripheralId, serviceId, characteristicId, descriptorId, data)

Write a value to the specified descriptor, you need to call retrieveServices method before. Returns a Promise object.


  • peripheralId - String - the id/mac address of the peripheral.
  • serviceUUID - String - the UUID of the service.
  • characteristicUUID - String - the UUID of the characteristic.
  • descriptorUUID - String - the UUID of the descriptor.
  • data - number[] - the data to write as a plain integer array representing a ByteArray structure.


  [1, 2]
  .then(() => {
    // Success code
  .catch((error) => {
    // Failure code

requestConnectionPriority(peripheralId, connectionPriority) [Android only API 21+]

Request a connection parameter update. Returns a Promise object which fulfills with the status of the request.


  • peripheralId - String - the id/mac address of the peripheral.
  • connectionPriority - Integer - the connection priority to be requested, as follows:
    • 0 - balanced priority connection
    • 1 - high priority connection
    • 2 - low power priority connection


BleManager.requestConnectionPriority("XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX", 1)
  .then((status) => {
    // Success code
    console.log("Requested connection priority");
  .catch((error) => {
    // Failure code

requestMTU(peripheralId, mtu) [Android only API 21+]

Request an MTU size used for a given connection. Returns a Promise object.


  • peripheralId - String - the id/mac address of the peripheral.
  • mtu - Integer - the MTU size to be requested in bytes.


  .then((mtu) => {
    // Success code
    console.log("MTU size changed to " + mtu + " bytes");
  .catch((error) => {
    // Failure code

retrieveServices(peripheralId[, serviceUUIDs])

Retrieve the peripheral’s services and characteristics. Returns a Promise object.


  • peripheralId - String - the id/mac address of the peripheral.
  • serviceUUIDs - String[] - [iOS only] only retrieve these services.


  (peripheralInfo) => {
    // Success code
    console.log("Peripheral info:", peripheralInfo);

refreshCache(peripheralId) [Android only]

refreshes the peripheral’s services and characteristics cache Returns a Promise object.


  • peripheralId - String - the id/mac address of the peripheral.


  .then((peripheralInfo) => {
    // Success code
    console.log("cache refreshed!");
  .catch((error) => {


Return the connected peripherals. Returns a Promise object.

In Android, Peripherals “advertising” property can be not set! Will be available if peripheral was found through scan before connect. This matches to current Android Bluetooth design specification.


  • serviceUUIDs - Array of String - the UUIDs of the services to looking for.


BleManager.getConnectedPeripherals([]).then((peripheralsArray) => {
  // Success code
  console.log("Connected peripherals: " + peripheralsArray.length);

getAssociatedPeripherals() [Android only, API 26+]

Retrive associated peripherals (from companion manager).

removeAssociatedPeripheral(peripheralId) [Android only, API 26+]

Remove a associated peripheral.

Rejects if no association is found.


  • peripheralId - String - Peripheral to remove

createBond(peripheralId,peripheralPin) [Android only]

Start the bonding (pairing) process with the remote device. If you pass peripheralPin(optional), bonding will be auto(without manual entering pin) Returns a Promise object that will resolves if the bond is successfully created, otherwise it will be rejected with the appropriate error message.

In Android, Ensure to make one bond request at a time. Examples*

  .then(() => {
    console.log("createBond success or there is already an existing one");
  .catch(() => {
    console.log("fail to bond");

removeBond(peripheralId) [Android only]

Remove a paired device. Returns a Promise object.


  .then(() => {
    console.log("removeBond success");
  .catch(() => {
    console.log("fail to remove the bond");

getBondedPeripherals() [Android only]

Return the bonded peripherals. Returns a Promise object.


BleManager.getBondedPeripherals([]).then((bondedPeripheralsArray) => {
  // Each peripheral in returned array will have id and name properties
  console.log("Bonded peripherals: " + bondedPeripheralsArray.length);


Return the discovered peripherals after a scan. Returns a Promise object.


BleManager.getDiscoveredPeripherals([]).then((peripheralsArray) => {
  // Success code
  console.log("Discovered peripherals: " + peripheralsArray.length);

removePeripheral(peripheralId) [Android only]

Removes a disconnected peripheral from the cached list. It is useful if the device is turned off, because it will be re-discovered upon turning on again. Returns a Promise object.


  • peripheralId - String - the id/mac address of the peripheral.

isPeripheralConnected(peripheralId, serviceUUIDs)

Check whether a specific peripheral is connected and return true or false. Returns a Promise object.


).then((isConnected) => {
  if (isConnected) {
    console.log("Peripheral is connected!");
  } else {
    console.log("Peripheral is NOT connected!");


Checks whether the scan is in progress and return true or false. Returns a Promise object.


BleManager.isScanning().then((isScanning) => {
  if (isScanning) {
    console.log("Is scanning!");
  } else {
    console.log("Is NOT scanning!");

setName(name) [Android only]

Create the request to set the name of the bluetooth adapter. ( Returns a Promise object.


  .then(() => {
    // Success code
    console.log("Name set successfully");
  .catch((error) => {
    // Failure code
    console.log("Name could not be set");

getMaximumWriteValueLengthForWithoutResponse(peripheralId) [iOS only]

Return the maximum value length for WriteWithoutResponse. Returns a Promise object.


).then((maxValue) => {
  console.log("Maximum length for WriteWithoutResponse: " + maxValue);

getMaximumWriteValueLengthForWithResponse(peripheralId) [iOS only]

Return the maximum value length for WriteWithResponse. Returns a Promise object.


).then((maxValue) => {
  console.log("Maximum length for WriteWithResponse: " + maxValue);